
Let's say you need to supply a custom error handler or 404 handler, you'll want to pass a number of configuration options.

Use the make method to supply this configuration. Any supplied option overrides the default:

// make-funcatron.js

const { make } = require("funcatron")

module.exports = make({

    // Path to server static resources; pass `false` to disable any static file serving
    static: "public",

    // Enable HTTPS; pass an object that will be passed into https.createServer to enable HTTPS.
    // See Node documentation for these values:
    https: false,

    // Handle 404
    lost: ({req, res}) => res.end("You're lost"),

    // Handle any errors caught by funcatron while processing a request.
    // Remember that you will also need to handle the serving a response
    // otherwise the request will hang and eventually time out.
    err: ({req, res, err}) => res.end("You've hit an error!")

Once you have funcatron configured, you can use just like you would by requiring funcatron directly:

const makeFuncatron = require("./make-funcatron")

// Pass in the routes array
const server = makeFuncatron([
    method: "get",
    path: "/home",
    handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("Welcome home!")

module.exports = server

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