
In order to make routes more maintainable, use the spread operator:

const funcatron = require("funcatron")
const authRoutes = require("./auth-routes")

        path: "/",
        method: "get",
        handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("Hello world!")
        handler: ({req, res}) => {
            res.statusCode = 404
            res.end("Not found")
// auth-routes.js
module.exports = [
        path: "/auth/login",
        method: "post",
        handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("you're logged in!")
        path: "/auth/logout",
        method: "get",
        handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("you're logged out!")

Now, let's say that you want to guard your API routes to only allow authorized users. For that, you would use route groups.

Route Groups

Route groups allow you to apply a path prefix and a middleware method to all routes within the group.

A route group take an object that defines that route group, which can contain two optional group defaults: a path prefix and a middleware handler to apply to the group. While both are technically optional, there's not much use in defining a group that omits both of these.

const { group } = require("funcatron")
const checkAuth = require("./middleware/check-auth")

const makeAPIRoutes = group({

    // route prefix
    path: "/api,

    // This middleware handler will be applied to all requests in the route group
    handler: ({req, res, next}) => {
      if(checkAuth(req)) {
      } else {
        res.statusCode = 403

module.exports = makeAPIRoutes([
     path: "profile", // matches "GET: /api/profile"
     method: "get",
     handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("Your profile")
     path: "profile", // matches "POST: /api/profile"
     method: "post",
     handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("Profile updated")

Groups can be composed together and nested, building up a stack of middleware and route-prefixes.

However, chances are that this model will not be flexible enough for composing. Middleware stacks allow you flexibility to compose together functions into a powerful pipeline.

Resource Routes

RESTful resources can be created with the resource method and added into your routes array:

const { funcatron, resource } = require('funcatron')

// Create an array 
const userResource = resource("/user/:user", {
    get: ({req, res}) => res.end("Your user profile"),
    post: ({req, res}) => res.end("Let's update that profile of yours"),
    delete: ({req, res}) => res.end("Whoops! Sorry to see you go!")

        path: "/",
        method: "get",
        handler: ({req, res}) => res.end("Hello, from Funcatron!")

results matching ""

    No results matching ""